Healthcare News
Are fast-pitch softball pitchers overdoing it?
Studying pitchers in highly competitive softball leagues, Smith, associate professor of orthopedics, and his colleagues found that 40 percent had some type of shoulder or arm injury during the season. And when the researchers looked more closely, they found that part of the reason may be that softball pitchers frequently pitch several games in succession, particularly during tournaments.
When Can I Return to Play After an Orthopedic Sports Injury?
Recovery is as unique to the individual as is their genetic makeup – it really does depend on a wide variety of factors. However, for many common orthopedic injuries, there's usually a fairly consistent timeline for return to sport or active living.
No One-Size-Fits-All for Hydrating During Sports
Waiting until you're thirsty to drink during sports could lead to dehydration and poorer performance, a new study finds.